Visit of Egyptian delegation of Construction Companies To Zimbabwe Republic Headed by Eng. Hassan Abdel Aziz

September 29, 2022

Visit of Egyptian delegation of Construction Companies To Zimbabwe Republic Headed by Eng. Hassan Abdel Aziz

September 29, 2022

Visit of Egyptian delegation of Construction Companies

To Zimbabwe Republic

Headed by Eng. Hassan Abdel Aziz

   According to an invitation from Construction Industry Federation of Zimbabwe  , Eng. Hassan Abdel El Aziz – President of the African Federation for construction contractors associations, visited Zimbabwe Republic  accompanied  Federation General Secretary , and a delegation of Egyptian Construction Companies from 21 to 24 September 2022.

    The Delegation attended conference of the Zimbabwe Federation, they discussed some subjects: rule of banks in infrastructure development , partnership between the private and general sector , new era of partnership for the new projects, importance of Governance.

    Honorable Mr. Daniel Garwe , and Mr. of Local Government and general works J  MOYO , attended the congress and participated in discussions.

   Eng. Hassan Abdel Aziz in his speech to the congress, pointed that the African Federation adopts the doctrine of Africa for Africans , partnership , importance of using the natural resources in the continent for industries concerning construction, and the African states Governments  should support the construction companies for strong development.

     The Zimbabwe Minister of Housing had a meeting with the Egyptian delegation on 23-9-20222,  there were discussion about partnership of Egyptian Companies with Zimbabwe partners about development of projects infrastructure of Zimbabwe, building cities including social housing and medium and Excellent type housing , also roads and electricity and water waste.

     It was a agreed  that AFCCA will invite Mrs.Joy Makumbe -Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Housing in Zimbabwe, to visit Cairo for signing a training protocol between AFCCA and the Ministry of housing in Zimbabwe, and discussing designs and expenses concerning the new cities in cooperation between the two sides.



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