Meeting With Dr.Amany Abo Zeid Commissioner – commission of Infrastructure and Energy of the African Union

March 23, 2020

Meeting With Dr.Amany Abo Zeid Commissioner – commission of Infrastructure and Energy of the African Union

March 23, 2020


1-  Eng. Hassan Abdel EL Aziz President of the African  Federation for construction contractors  Associations and the General Secretary  of AFCCA  visited ADDIS ABABA to have meeting with Dr. Amany Abo Zeid commissioner – commission of Infrastructure and Energy of the African Union, on 10-3-2020 and they discussed some matters about the construction industry of AFCCA.

2- Eng. Hassan Abdel Aziz explained that AFCCA has been established to work for the interest of the African contractors, and the promotion of the construction industry and also fabrication of construction materials and machines.

3- The proposals presented by AFCCA and adopted by the African Union: giving local companies preference percentage to enable them to compete with foreign companies in tenders, participation of percentage of local workers in the executing the construction works , and also using construction materials and machines fabricated locally – will push the African construction companies to look for raising their capability of administration , manpower , and also the technology of construction of materials and machines.

4- He pointed that Egypt and Morocco are presenting chances for training for all construction sector.

5- He presented a note concerning the importance of (FIDIC) – the international construction contract- and a complete copy of that contract in English and Arabic ,  and asking that the commission study it and ways of applying, pointing that this contract is for the benefit of the construction business men and contractors. 


 1- The commissioner promised that the commission will study the FIDIC issue and the possibility of applying it.

2- The commissioner explained that she noted that the contracts and tenders are not written according to the right rules, that is why it is needed to arrange special courses for the responsibles to explain to them the right formula of contracts and tenders.

3- Announcing Africa a free trade zone , will give chance for workers and techniques  and also construction materials and machines , will be possible , and this will give the Africa chance depend on itself.

4- She mentioned that the African Development Bank has raised the preference percentage giving to the African companies to 7% instead of 5%.

5- She mentioned also that the number of the African countries that give entry Visa upon arrival to the airport became 18 states, and this will facilitate the contractor’s movement.

6- She explained that it is very important to use modern methods such as: smart corridors and smart technology, and traffic safety, to avoid traffic accidents, and the new buildings must have the system of resistance against climate changes.

7- She explained that the African Union has adopted a resolution that all African Countries have to work to apply a percentage of participation of women in all direction councils of companies – Federations … , knotless than 40% and asked AFCCA to contact all African Construction Federations to work for that ( kindly inform the General Secretariat of AFCCA about composition of administration council of Construction Federations: (All MEMBERS NUMBER , AND NUMBER OF WOMAN).



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