Meeting of Islamic Corporation for Insurance of Investment and export credit 2-10-2024

Eng. Hassan Abdel President of AFCCA and Honorary President of Arab Contractors Federation met with Islamic Corporation for Insurance of Investment and export credit its is member of the Islamic Development Bank Group in AFCCA Headquarters . The Country Manager Mrs. Eman Mahmoud and the Manager of Middle East and North Africa Reg. Division Mr. Alaa Mustafa were attended from the Corporation and Ambassador. Kamal Hassan Ali , Dr. Malik Dongla boards of directors consultant and Eng. Hamdy Shehata General Secretary of Arab Contractors Federation.
And also the Egyptian Construction Companies were attended the meeting they discussed the investment and financing problem that they faced.
They decided to form a joint committee between the federation and Islamic Corporation for Insurance of Investment and export credit under Presidency of Eng. Hassan Abdel El Aziz.