
May 16, 2022

The Elsewedy Electric Company of Egypt local unit has disclosed that it intends to invest about $500 million and will set up its own mining company in Zambia. However, the planned investments are currently at concept stage.

Speaking in an exclusive interview with the Zambian Business Times – ZBT Elsewedy Electric country Manager Mohamad Hassan said the investment budget is not yet out or finalized but is projected to be about US$500 million in total investments.

El Sewedy Electric country Manager disclosed that the mineral to be mined is Copper which will be locally fabricated to produce copper rods used in making transformers, wires, and also start to make sheets for automotive batteries etc.

When asked by ZBT where the El Sewedy Copper Mine would be located and if the company has acquired a mining licence, the Country Manager said the place where the mine is to be set has not yet been finalized as they are still in talks with other stakeholders.

Hassan said for the mining development and eventual mining operations, the company is projecting to employ over ten thousand (10,000) Zambian employees. He stated that the company currently has many projects in Zambia which include a transformer unit established in 2009 co-owned by el Sewedy and ZESCO with about 120 permanent employees.

El Sewedy Electric country Manager said the motive behind the investment is to foster development as the company is a chain as it is specialises in Wire & cable, electrical products, smart infrastructure and infrastructure development.

He said from the same mining which where the main shareholder will be government, the company intends to create a Fabrication factory which will be making rods for cables, sheets, wires, wire copper core for transformers etc.

He said once the new projects are actualized, they will mainly benefit local Zambian people as most of the 10,000 people to be employed will be Zambians. The Country Manager said the projects are likely to commence this year but could however not disclose the actual month when further queried by ZBT.


November 18, 2021

2ème projet ONAS : Date limite 18/01/2022 / Caution : 141 126 Dollars


carrying out of the study and works of the purification station of the industrial zone of Monastir and connection of raw water and purified water


  1. For the Equipment part: Have completed at least one wastewater treatment plant equipment project with an average daily flow rate greater than or equal to 2000 m3 / d.


  1. For the civil engineering part: Have achieved at least:

– a wastewater treatment plant project with an average daily flow rate greater than or equal to 1000 m3 / d


– one (01) hydraulic works or engineering works for a total amount greater than or equal to five (05) million Tunisian dinars


November 18, 2021

1er projet SONEDE : Date limite 10/02/2022 / Caution : 370 000 Dollars


the design, construction and semi-industrial start-up (turnkey) of a 4 m3 / s surface water treatment complex in Béjaoua in the governorate of Manouba.

Series n ° 1: design and studies, supply of construction equipment, turnkey implementation, and semi-industrial start-up of a surface water treatment plant in Béjaoua with a nominal capacity of 4 m3 / s that can accept an overload of 25%.

Series n ° 2: design, construction, equipment of a break-load basin and treated water outlet from 2 reinforced concrete storage tanks for treated water with a capacity of 10,000 m3 each

Series n ° 3: study, supply of ductile iron pipes with a diameter of 1800 mm, valves, metering equipment and regulation and protection equipment, laying and installation work and tests for the discharge pipe of raw water with a diameter of 1800 mm in ductile iron on a linear distance of 1900 ml between the raw water pumping station and the treatment station


November 3, 2021
22/10/2021    S206

Zambia-Lusaka: Wastewater treatment plant construction work

2021/S 206-534809

Contract notice



Legal Basis:


This contract will be financed by the European Investment Bank (EIB) and subject to EIB’s Guide to Procurement.

Section I: Contracting authority

I.1)Name and addresses

Official name: Lusaka Water Supply and Sanitation Company
Postal address: Plot No. 871/2 Katemo Road, Rhodes Park
Town: Lusaka
NUTS code: ZM Zambia
Postal code: 10101
Country: Zambia
Contact person: Mr. Cheelo Choolwe
E-mail: cheelo.harold3@gmail.com
Telephone: +260 966891060
Internet address(es):
Main address: https://www.lwsc.com.zm


Access to the procurement documents is restricted. Further information can be obtained at: https://www.lwsc.com.zm
Additional information can be obtained from the abovementioned address
Tenders or requests to participate must be submitted to the abovementioned address

I.4)Type of the contracting authority

Body governed by public law

I.5)Main activity

Other activity: Water & Sanitation

Section II: Object

II.1)Scope of the procurement


Detailed Design, Construction and Operation Management of the Proposed New Ngwerere and Chunga Wastewater Treatment Plants in Lusaka, Zambia

Reference number: EIB-GtP/LWSC/LSP/EIB/W-001/2017

II.1.2)Main CPV code

45252127 Wastewater treatment plant construction work

II.1.3)Type of contract


II.1.4)Short description:

Detailed Design and Construction of the new Ngwerere Wastewater Treatment Plant, with a capacity of 70,000 m3/day, and the new Chunga Wastewater Treatment Plant with a capacity of 26,000 m3/day in Lusaka, Zambia, The works are expected to require approximately 24 months construction plus a 12 months Defects Notification Period (DNP), during which the Contractor will undertake Operational and Maintenance Management and Training of the Employer’s staff. The Contract may also include an Option to extend the Operational and Maintenance Management and Training period for up to 3 years. The Works will include earthworks, civil, mechanical, electrical and instrumentation components.

II.1.5)Estimated total value

II.1.6)Information about lots

This contract is divided into lots: no

II.2.3)Place of performance

NUTS code: ZM Zambia
Main site or place of performance:

Lusaka, Zambia

II.2.4)Description of the procurement:

Procurement will be through restricted procedure with prequalification

II.2.5)Award criteria

Price is not the only award criterion and all criteria are stated only in the procurement documents
II.2.6)Estimated value

II.2.7)Duration of the contract, framework agreement or dynamic purchasing system

Duration in months: 36
This contract is subject to renewal: no

II.2.9)Information about the limits on the number of candidates to be invited

Envisaged minimum number: 8
Maximum number: 20
Objective criteria for choosing the limited number of candidates:

All applicants meeting the evaluation criteria will be shortlisted.

II.2.10)Information about variants

Variants will be accepted: no

II.2.11)Information about options

Options: no

II.2.13)Information about European Union funds

The procurement is related to a project and/or programme financed by European Union funds: no
II.2.14)Additional information

Section III: Legal, economic, financial and technical information

III.1)Conditions for participation

III.1.2)Economic and financial standing

List and brief description of selection criteria:


(a) Financial Capacity: Liquidity The applicant shall demonstrate that it has access to, or has available, liquid assets, unencumbered real assets, lines of credit, and other financial means (independent of any contractual advance payment) sufficient to meet the construction cash flow requirements estimated as EUR 3,875,000 for the subject contract net of the applicant’s other commitments

(b) Financial Capabilities: Other Sources of Finance The applicant shall also demonstrate, to the satisfaction of the Employer, that it has adequate sources of finance to meet the cash flow requirements on works currently in progress and for future contract commitments.

(c) Average Annual Construction Turnover Minimum annual construction turnover of EUR70,000,000 for the last 5 years, starting 1st January 2016, calculated as total certified annual payments received for contracts in progress and/or complete. Additionally each member of a Joint Venture must meet 25% of this requirement and additionally one members of a Joint Venture must meet 40% of the requirement.

(d) Financial Capability: Financial Position: The audited balance sheets or, if not required by the laws of the Applicant’s country, other financial statements for the last 5 years, acceptable to the Employer, shall be submitted and must demonstrate the current soundness of the Applicant’s financial position based on the following criteria: Liquidity Ratio (Current Assets/Current Liabilities) ≥ 1.1 and Debt Ratio (Total Liabilities/Total Assets) ≤ 0.8.

III.1.3)Technical and professional ability

List and brief description of selection criteria:


(a) General Construction experience. The applicant (individual company or consortium altogether) in the role of prime contractor, JV member, subcontractor, or management contractor for at least the last 5 years, starting 1st January 2016 (must have successfully completed (i.e. final payment made by the client) at any time during the period from January 2016 up to the deadline of submission of applications as indicated under item 23 below), at least 3 construction projects each with a total contract price equivalent to EUR30 million or more.

(b) Specific Construction Experience. The applicant (individual company or consortium altogether) in the role of prime contractor, JV member, subcontractor, or management contractor for at least the last 5 years, starting 1st January 2016 (must have successfully completed (i.e. final payment made by the client) at any time during the period from January 2016 up to the deadline of submission of applications as indicated under item 23 below), at least 2 projects based on FIDIC Yellow Book contract conditions or equivalent that included waste water treatment plants with capacity of at least 50,000 m3/day.

(c) Specific Design Experience. The applicant (individual company or consortium altogether) in the role of prime contractor, JV member, subcontractor, or design consultant for at least the last 5 years, starting 1st January 2016 (must have successfully completed (i.e. final payment made by the client) at any time during the period from January 2016 up to the deadline of submission of applications as indicated under item 23 below the design of a least one waste water treatment plant.

(d) At least one (1) of the reference projects in (a) or (b) must have been accomplished in a country with a low-income or lower-middle income economy as listed by the World Bank.

(e) The applicant (individual company or consortium altogether) has successfully operated, managed and trained a client’s operational staff for at least three (3) wastewater treatment plants with a design capacity of 20,000 m3/day or more.

(f) Environmental & Social and Health and Safety (ESHS) Experience. The applicant (individual company or consortium altogether) shall provide evidence of contracts completed and under implementation as prime contractor, joint venture member, management contractor or subcontractor demonstrating significant ESHS Impact.

Minimum level(s) of standards possibly required:

The applicant (individual company or consortium altogether) shall demonstrate availability of a valid ISO certification or internationally recognized equivalent as follows: Quality Management certificate ISO 9001, Environmental Management certificate ISO 14001 and Health and Safety certificate OHSAS 18001.

III.2)Conditions related to the contract

III.2.2)Contract performance conditions:

The successful tenderer for the Works Contract will be asked to provide a performance guarantee of 10% of the amount of a contract at the signing of the contract. This guarantee must be provided together with the return of the countersigned contract no later than 30 days after the tenderer receives the contract signed by the Contracting Authority. If the selected tenderer fails to provide such a guarantee within this period, the contract will be void and a new contract may be drawn up and sent to the tenderer which has submitted the next cheapest compliant tender.

Section IV: Procedure


IV.1.1)Type of procedure

Restricted procedure
IV.1.3)Information about a framework agreement or a dynamic purchasing system

IV.1.8)Information about the Government Procurement Agreement (GPA)

The procurement is covered by the Government Procurement Agreement: no
IV.2)Administrative information

IV.2.1)Previous publication concerning this procedure

Notice number in the OJ S: 2021/S 141-371586

IV.2.2)Time limit for receipt of tenders or requests to participate

Date: 30/11/2021
Local time: 12:00

IV.2.3)Estimated date of dispatch of invitations to tender or to participate to selected candidates

Date: 05/01/2022

IV.2.4)Languages in which tenders or requests to participate may be submitted:


IV.2.6)Minimum time frame during which the tenderer must maintain the tender

Tender must be valid until: 19/03/2022

Section VI: Complementary information

VI.1)Information about recurrence

This is a recurrent procurement: no
VI.3)Additional information:
VI.4)Procedures for review

VI.4.1)Review body

Official name: Mr.Jonathan Kampata, Managing Director, Lusaka Water Supply and Sanitation Company Limited
Postal address: P.O.BOX 50198, Plot 871/872 Katemo Road, Rhodes Park, Lusaka
Town: Lusaka
Postal code: 10101
Country: Zambia

VI.5)Date of dispatch of this notice:



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