Board of directors meeting Of Federation of contractors in Islamic countries In ANKARA (TURKIYE)

October 22, 2023

Board of directors meeting Of Federation of contractors in Islamic countries In ANKARA (TURKIYE)

October 22, 2023

Eng. Hassan Abdel Aziz President of AFCCA attended a board of directors meeting of the Federation of Contractors in Islamic Countries in the presence of the President, Vice Presidents, Secretary General, and members, which was held on 18/10/2023 in ANKARA Capital of TURKIYE, under the Presidency of Eng. Zakaria Bn Abdel Rahman and Eng. Hassan Abdel Aziz (the Honorary President).

  The Council reviewed the reports of the Vice –Presidents from Morocco, Libya, and Sudan about the effects on the infrastructures due to natural disasters and wares during this the aggression against GAZA arose which caused big disasters for civilians and infrastructure. The Federation announced the formation of the committee to coordinate relief efforts for GAZA, LIBYA, MOROCCO, and Sudan.

  Eng. Hassan Abdel Aziz was honored for his efforts in developing the contracting industry in African and Arab countries from Turkish Contractors Associations.

 During the meeting of the Federation of Contractors in Islamic countries, the Turkish Contractors Associations arranged some visits for the delegation on 19/10/2023 to the control center of the North Marmara High way its length of 121km then they visited the Eurasia Tunnel project which connects the Asian and European sides through a high-speed tunnel that passes under the seabed. Then they visited Galata Port an underground terminal for cruise ships.

  Finally, the President and the board directors thanked the Turkish Contractors Associations for the good organization for visits and meetings.



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